key cutting process

Key cutting is the process of creating a duplicate key from an existing key. Here’s a general overview of the key cutting process:
Duplicating the key: To duplicate a key, a locksmith or key cutter will typically use a key cutting machine. The original key is inserted into the machine, which then traces the shape of the key onto a blank key using a stylus or probe. The machine then cuts the blank key to match the shape of the original key.
Measuring the key: In some cases, especially for older or unusual keys, the key cutter may need to measure the key manually. This is done using a key gauge, a tool that can measure the depth and spacing of the cuts on the original key. The key cutter can then use this information to create a duplicate key.
Key cutting machines: There are several types of key cutting machines, but most work by using a rotating cutter or wheel to carve out the shape of the key. Some machines are manually operated, while others are automated and use a computer to control the cutting process. Some machines can cut keys for multiple types of locks, while others are specialized for a specific type of lock.
Checking the key: Once the duplicate key has been cut, the key cutter will typically check it against the original key to ensure that it is an accurate match. If necessary, adjustments can be made to the duplicate key to ensure that it works properly in the lock.
Overall, key cutting is a relatively simple process that can be done quickly and easily by a trained professional. However, it’s important to ensure that the duplicate key is an accurate match for the original key, as a poorly cut key can damage the lock or fail to work properly. Types of keys we copy are standard, security, patented, fob keys.